Upgrade to a modern front of shop

MedView Smart Shelf replaces your paper price tickets with state-of-the-art digital tags fitted to your shelves to present a sleek and modern front of shop to engage your customers.

Gain operational efficiency with always accurate and dynamic product pricing on your shelves, and seamless promotion changeover.

Boost your team morale

Replace your paper tickets with dynamic technology and save your team hours spent on tedious manual ticketing and price checking.  Increase their capacity to engage with customers and professional services. Eliminate the stress over pricing discrepancies and unhappy customers.

Revamp your stock management

A seamless pricing experience for your team and confidence that the price in your POS always matches what is displayed to customers. Update a product price at the shelf instantly. Locate products quickly in your store with the flashing LED lights on the tags.

Delight your customers

Unique button technology on the digital labels can activate a range of functions to engage and assist your customers while they're browsing in your store. And with a high definition colour screen your promotions will grab their attention.

Bring your pharmacy baskets into the digital age

Join the smart basket revolution with industry-first technology that transforms the way you handle scripts. MedView Flow Digital Baskets provide faster, safer, and easier script service for you and your customers.

Switch to a smarter pharmacy solution with MedView Flow Digital Baskets today. Think outside the basket

Learn more
Bring your pharmacy baskets into the digital age

MedView Smart Shelf Enquiry

Please complete the below form to request a quote, a team member will contact you to discuss MedView Smart Shelf for your pharmacy.

Smart Shelf